Pellets from evergreen

White pellets (premium sort) - this term is often used by buyers. And really the pellets are of light colors. This color is possible due to wood being decorticated before granulation and correct drying process. The ash-content of white pellets is 0,4% and less. The boiler, when using such pellets, should be cleaned once a month only. The calorific capacity of such pellets is 17,2 mJ/kg. There is very little ash when you clean the boiler. The pellets of premium type are usually produced from sawdust of soft or hard evergreen that does not contain cortex. Premium pellets comprise more than 95% of total pellet production. They can be used in any chamber that is created for standard or enhanced quality fuel. When you burn 1 ton of pellets you get the energy equivalent to burning:


  • 1600 kg of wood
  • 475 m3 of gas
  • 500 l of diesel fuel
  • 685 l of masut

White pellets from evergreen


White fuel pellets, besides ecological purity, possess a lot of other positive properties that put them apart from other fuel. White pellets have a huge advantage - low ash-contents.


  • ash-contents  0,3%
  • density          660 kg/m3
  • humidity        7-9%
  • size              6-8mm
  • calorific capacity      5,5 kWt/h
  • all necessary documentation and certificates



  • polyethylene pack - 15, 20 kg
  • polyethylene bag - 40 kg
  • «Big-Bag» - 1000 kg