Coal of T Rank (Semi-anthracite coal)

We offer the low-caking coal of the following types, mined in Kuznetsk Basin: ТПК, ТОМ, ТОМСШ.

We can offer you quality certificates for semi-anthracite coal and will  perform final calculations of the delivery cost to your destination.

Semi-anthracite is a natural fuel. It is mainly used as a fuel for trains and power stations. The coal of T rank is better used in a cast-iron chamber with induced draft to avoid the obstruction of gas duct.

Semi-anthracite coal does not cake. Its ash is similar to coke ash in terms of quantity of acid oxide. But since the amount of coal remains the same in the mix, the base-to-acid ratio of the slag remains the same, so there is no need to load the limestone.

Semi-anthracite coal properties

Semi-anthracite coal is hard to burn, but produces much heat (up to 36500 kJ/kg). The reacting power is almost the same as with metcoke. The ТПК coal contains great amount of volatile components (up to 18%), some phosphorus (up to 0,08%) and sulphur (approx. 0,7%). The ash content is on the level of 12-18%.

Semi-anthracite coal is used in railroad industry, in power plants and in metallurgy. They are burned in cast-iron chambers that use induced draft (ideally). Its transportation is cheaper and the price is approximately twice lower than with coke. As a result, semi-anthracite coal use is great for industries.