
The Ametist-Energy company delivers hard coal purchased from it (anthracite and long-flame coal) to any destination in Russia as well as other countries. We offer several kinds of transport and multimodal transportation (combination of railway, automobile and other transport means).

Delivery with automobile transport.

We are in cooperation with more than 20 transportations companies

Delivery with railway transport.

The Ametist-Energy company is located in Rostov-on-Don, which is a huge railway hub. We perform delivery of hard coal from railway station across Russia and abroad.

Our company has much experience and this allows quality delivery of the coal, purchased from us. The transportation will be performed in minimal possible time, according to the specifics of freight and conditions of delivery.

The terms and the cost of delivery are determined by the conditions of concluded Agreement and depend on volumes of purchased coal, terms and way of payment and other factors. You may calculate approximate delivery cost using the online-calculator or railway tariffs.

The Ametist-Energy company offers wholesale hard coal with delivery across Russia and near and far abroad countries. The railway delivery of coal is considered an optimal variant for large shipments. Wholesale hard coal can be also delivered by sea or automobile transport depending on volume and destination.

Delivery of coal with automobile transport

The Ametist-Energy company offers hard coal with delivery that is calculated according to volume of freight and transportation distance. We have our own transportation vehicles and this ensures quick and quality delivery. Apart from our own automobiles we rent vehicles and use services of other transportation companies. Choosing us, you get the following benefits:

  • hard coal delivery is performed strictly to the schedule and in time;
  • the delivery is performed according to all transportation and storage requirements;
  • the cost is both competitive and affordable;
  • modern car fleet allows to deliver any amount of freight.

Delivery of anthracite coal via motorways is often the only available mean of transportation. We will quickly deliver any amount of freight to needed destination.

Delivery of coal via railways

The Ametist-Energy company group is based in Rostov-on-Don and uses all benefits of this huge railway hub. Coal delivery from producer is performed to any region of Russia and there are no limits in freight volumes. We can organize internal transportation and abroad delivery. Well-developed railway network allows us to quickly fulfill the orders. We offer quality wholesale coal for affordable price. The cost is determined by the freight volume and transportation peculiarities. We offer the best pricing policy and you can calculate the total price yourself.

Wholesale hard coal can be delivered in multimodal way, by combining different ways of transportation. Apart from automobiles and railway transport we actively use sea transport. Contact our company and get your coal freight delivered to you in the most convenient way and strictly on time.